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Please, ensure that you enter the accurate NIN or TIN/CAC/JTB Number. CAC numbers should begin with RC or BN or IT as applicable, e.g. RC1234567.
Enter name exactly as they appear in NIN/TIN/CAC/JTB details. Do not include titles such as DR., PROF., REV., CHIEF, ENGR., ALH., etc.
The above applies when entering details of an organization’s Representative.
Ensure that the accurate Vehicle Licence Plate and Chassis Numbers are entered.
Sale/Purchase of Vehicle:
If the vehicle is purchased from a previous owner/user, inquire from the seller if the vehicle has a CMR certificate.

i. If YES, create your profile and thereafter request the seller to initiate a change of ownership from his/her own profile for the change of ownership on the CMR portal.

ii. If NO, create your profile and follow the prompts to apply for the CMR certificate.